Production Time (Business Days) |
Shipping Time (Business Days)
Shipping Fee |
Estimate Arrival Time (Business Days)
Standard Order |
7 - 9 |
8 - 10 (UPS/USPS) |
$9.99 per Item |
15 - 19 |
Fast Order |
5 - 7 |
3 - 5 (DHL) |
$28.00 per order + $6.99 per Item |
8 - 12 |
Rush Order |
3 - 4 |
3 - 5 (DHL) |
$28.00 per order + $9.99 per Item |
6 - 9 |
Note: Special urgent orders need to receive parcels before a specific date. Please contact our customer service in advance. We will give priority to the production of your order and shipping. Due to uncontrollable factors, such as bad weather, holidays, strikes, etc., the delivery date may change.
Receiving Time
Receiving Time = Production Time + Shipping Time
Return Policy
After receiving the jerseys, if there are quality problems or incorrect customization information, please contact our customer service immediately at