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How to Clean Basketball Jerseys: Keep Your KXK Jerseys Looking Fresh

June 16, 2024 2 min read

How to Clean Basketball Jerseys: Keep Your KXK Jerseys Looking Fresh
Basketball jerseys are not just a uniform; they’re a statement of style, comfort, and performance. At KXK, our distinctive reversible basketball jerseys in royal blue and aqua, featuring printed tackle twill names and numbers, are designed to stand out both on and off the court. To ensure your jerseys maintain their unique look and high performance, it's essential to clean them properly.

Materials Needed

  • Mild detergent suitable for synthetic fabrics
  • Cold water
  • Soft-bristled brush (optional)
  • Stain remover (safe for synthetic fabrics)
  • White vinegar (optional)
  • Mesh laundry bag

Steps to Clean Your Basketball Jerseys

1. Pre-Treatment

Inspect for Stains: Before you begin washing, check for any stains or spots on both sides of the jersey. Apply a small amount of stain remover to these areas if necessary, ensuring it is safe for synthetic fabrics.

Turn Inside Out: Turn the jersey inside out to protect the printed tackle twill names and numbers and the moisture-wicking fabric during washing.

2. Soaking

Fill a basin or sink with cold water and add a small amount of mild detergent designed for synthetic fabrics. Soak the jersey for 15-30 minutes to help loosen dirt and sweat.

3. Washing

Hand Wash:

  • Gently agitate the jersey in the soapy water. Use a soft-bristled brush to clean any heavily soiled areas if necessary.
  • Avoid wringing or twisting the fabric to prevent damage to the structure and printed elements.

Machine Wash:

  • Place the jersey in a mesh laundry bag to protect it during the wash cycle.
  • Use a gentle or delicate cycle with cold water.
  • Add a small amount of mild detergent suitable for synthetic fabrics. Avoid bleach, fabric softeners, or harsh chemicals that can damage the fabric and prints.

4. Rinsing

Rinse the jersey thoroughly with cold water to remove all detergent residues.

5. Drying

Air Dry: Lay the jersey flat on a clean, dry towel or hang it up to air dry. Ensure it is not exposed to direct sunlight, which can fade the colors and damage the fibers.

Avoid Dryer: Do not use a tumble dryer, as the heat can shrink the fabric and damage the tackle twill prints and moisture-wicking properties.

6. Additional Tips

  • Avoid Ironing: Do not iron the jersey, as the heat can melt or deform the synthetic fibers and damage the printed elements.
  • Odor Removal: For persistent odors, soak the jersey in a mixture of cold water and white vinegar (1 part vinegar to 4 parts water) for 30 minutes before washing.
  • Regular Cleaning: Wash the jersey after each use to prevent sweat and dirt from setting into the fabric.
  • Storage: Store the jersey in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain its colors and quality.


By following these steps, you can keep your KXK reversible basketball jerseys looking fresh, stylish, and performing at their best. Proper care not only enhances the lifespan of your jerseys but also ensures you always look your best on the court. Show off your unique style and play with confidence, knowing your jersey is clean and ready for action. Visit our website to explore more about our exclusive range of basketball jerseys and gear up for your next game with KXK!

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