During product page, Guests can choose their preferred shipping option—we’ll provide an estimated delivery date for every item in your bag based on your shipping selection, the delivery address. We offer the following Production Time&Shipping Time & Shipping Method options:
Production Time (Business Days) | Shipping Time (Business Days) | Shipping Fee | Estimate Arrival Time (Business Days) | |
Standard Order | 7 - 9 |
8 - 10(UPS/USPS) |
$6.99 per Item | 15 - 19 |
Fast Order | 5 - 7 | 3 - 5(DHL) | $28.00 per order + $6.99 per Item | 8 - 12 |
Rush Order | 3 - 4 | 3 - 5(DHL) | $28.00 per order + $9.99 per Item | 6 - 9 |
Note: Special urgent orders need to receive parcels before a specific date. Please contact our customer service in advance. We will give priority to the production of your order and shipping. Due to uncontrollable factors, such as bad weather, holidays, strikes, etc., the delivery date may change.
Receiving Time=Production Time+ Shipping Time
You will receive a shipping confirmation email once your order is ready to ship. Please note that orders may take up to 5-9 business days to process before they are shipped due to customized work involved. Once you have received this email please allow 24-48 hours for your tracking number to update.
We happily fulfill international orders! We are proud to use DHL/USPS as our primary carrier. Our Production times will be the same and shipping costs will vary depending on where the order goes. Depending on your country, you may be subject to customs duties in addition to shipping costs.
If your personalized product was remade, your order might be delayed. Only those items that passed the quality inspection process can be sent out, with our standards and aim to supply you a perfect gift.
For any other questions, please contact us here or send an email to support@kxkshop.com