Sale Period
Kxkshop Black Friday Sale runs from November 15, 2024, 12:00 AM (ET), to December 5, 2024, 11:59 PM (ET).
Benefit Terms
1. Extra Discount
(a) During the Kxkshop Black Friday Sales period as defined above, enjoy 8% off when you buy 2 items, and 15% off when you buy 8 items. Note: Sitewide discounts cannot be combined with individual item discounts.
(b)This discount can't be stacked with coupons.
(c) The Extra Discount is non-stackable, non-transferable, non-replaceable, non-discountable, and non-upgradeable.
(d) During the Kxkshop Black Friday Sales period as defined above, subject to Kxkshop's return policy(, Items are not returnable unless defective. If you have any questions please ask our friendly customer service.
2. Coupon Codes
(a)During the Kxkshop Black Friday Sales period as defined above, only one coupon code can be applied to an order, and such benefit cannot be used with the Extra Discount as defined above.
(b) Customers can choose between purchase-related discounts, other available discounts, or any otherbenefits they prefer to use. However, when another benefit is entered on the checkout page, the purchaserelated discounts will be deactivated or no longer apply.
3. Social Media Activities
During the Kxkshop Black Friday sales, our social media platforms such as Facebook will launch surprise lucky draw activities. Please consult our friendly customer service for details.
4. Referral Program
(a)If the referrer successfully invites a new user to purchase Kxkshop customized products (, the referee will receive a 5% discount coupon and the referrer will receive a 5$ coupon.
(b) Coupons received from the Referral Program can be applied only once and cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts. The coupon will be sent to your email.
5. Interpretation Rights:
- Kxkshop reserves all rights to interpret these terms and conditions.